3 most popular means of transportation from Hanoi to Sapa

Phúc Nguyễn Cập nhật: 10:28 - 03/06/2023

Sapa is a highland town in Lao Cai, Vietnam. Sapa is located about 38 kilometers from Lao Cai City and about 370 kilometers from Hanoi. For passengers departing from Hanoi, you will have a variety of choices such as: train, coach buses and limousine cars. The following article would like to introduce 3 ways to transport from Hanoi to Sapa so you can choose for yourself a reasonable and most economical means of transportation. 

Sapa Fansipan Kenvin Travel(3)


Currently,  limousine cars dominate the market and have affirmed its position in the travel and transportation industry in Vietnam. Limousine car service is known for its comfort, convenience, luxury while being the fastest form of transportation from Hanoi to Sapa.

Adam Viet Investment and Brand Development JSC., formerly known as a company specializing in domestic and foreign tours. Getting aware of the potential in carrying service in Vietnam, Adam Viet has invested in carrying service including limousine car service. Although the company is a new business but gaining many good reviews from the customers. Adam Viet has many routes including Hanoi to Sapa and vice versa by 9-seat vip limousine car. You can see the timetable and price list below for more best options.

⇒ See more: The most common most of transportation for trip from Hanoi to Sam Son

Thue Xe Limousine Vip


  • Morning: 06:30 | 07:00 | 07:30 | 08:00 | 09:30| 10:30.
  • Afternoon: 14:00 | 14:30 | 15:00 | 15:30 | 17:00 | 17:30

Pick up and drop off: All points within Hanoi and Sapa.


In addition to limousine cars, you can choose sleeper coach buses for a bed-as-seat. You can lie back to sleep for a 6-hour ride from Hanoi to Sapa. Coach cars are quite diverse in types such as single bed, double bed or cabin.



Single-bed and double-bed sleeper coach bus

Coach cars are quite spacious. Each bed (seat) inside is provided with full of amenities such as: private TV screen, free wifi, drinking water, cold towels. A coach has 34 to 46 beds in a coach which are completely leather, clean and smooth and with or without a self-contained toilet in the vehicle.

Hanoi to Sapa

Single-bed bus


Hanoi to Sapa

Double-bed bus

* Note: Due to the size and design of the car, especially the single-bed coach, each bed on the car is only suitable for 1 adult and 1 baby under 3 years old. For children from 03 years old or older, we recommend tourists book an additional separate bed or book tickets in double bed or cabin bed to Sapa. This way, children can share beds with 1 or 2 of their parents. 

This type of coach is quite flexible in terms of schedule. There are many times in a day from 5am to 23pm. 

Cabin sleeper coach bus

In addition to the two main lines of commercial transportation means to Sapa, the 9-seat VIP limousine and the high-quality bed sleeper coach bus, and 01 new line of high-end coach bus to Sapa, the cabin bus to Sapa. This is the newest and most advanced coach bus line on Hanoi to Sapa route.

2 xe cabin tình yêu đi Sapa đáng trải nghiệm nhất - Khởi hành hàng ngày

hanoi to sapa

The cabin coach bus is a vehicle in which each bed (cabin) on the car is designed as a miniature hotel, with curtains and dividers separating the cabins, creating a feeling of both airy, comfortable, and private. Each cabin is very wide and can be completely flat, minimizing back and neck fatigue when lying for a long time. Some cabins have an electrically adjustable bed lifting system and a full body massage system with 05 modes to help passengers relax on the journey.

hanoi to sapa

The cabin buses are provided with full range of amenities:

  • Cold towels
  • Drinking water
  • Blankets
  • Free Wifi

In addition, each cabin is also equipped with the most modern amenities

  • Reading light
  • USB charging port
  • 17-inch LCD screen
  • HD player with hundreds of HD content available for you to choose.

All help visitors feel like they are in a luxury mobile hotel when traveling to Sapa.


Trains are also a good choice as trains feel safer than motorcycles and passenger cars. On the train, there are full amenities, dining car, sleeping car for visitors to rest during the journey to Lao Cai station. Some tourist train cars also give visitors a space to rest no less than the rooms in high-end hotels.

hanoi to sapa

Train fares from Hanoi to Lao Cai usually range from 150,000 – 300,000 VND / ticket (for ordinary cars) and from 600,000 VND / ticket or more (for passenger cars).

On trains, tourists can carry more luggage. This is what many tourists, especially female tourists, like the most when traveling by train to Sapa. Moreover, many tourists travel to Sapa by train to experience the beautiful views of the provinces from the train window. In order to have a beautiful panoramic view, you should choose a seat near the window, so your viewing angle will be wider.

⇒ See more: Limousine cars service for traveling from Hanoi to Ninh Binh


There are many choices for passengers to move to Sapa. However, each form is suitable for different situations. For a quality trip, passengers should consider choosing and booking a travel ticket that is appropriate for their own itinerary and circumstances.

Therefore, to be guaranteed the best interests, you should book Hanoi – Sapa tickets through a reputable agent like Dixere.vn on 24/7 hotline 1900575725+84989854199. If you have not known the appropriate transportation means from Hanoi to Sapa, our operators will assist and advise you for a better experience. 

In addition to always enjoying a more preferential price than the genuine price and guaranteed 100% reservation, at Dixere.vn, customers are also provided with full information and images of each option to Sapa.

In addition, customers can refer to the services of booking limousines, vip sleepers in the provinces of Cheap Ride, which are most interested by customers in 2023: